
a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one. When the caterpillar thought it was the end of the world it turned into a butterfly, this is my story...

About Me

My journey as an artist

An artistic person since childhood doing paintings for school with no formal training.This came to a halt when I joined medical school. Attending a painting exhibition rekindled my passion for painting again. It was difficult with a disability but I slowly learnt to overcome the difficulties. Being the top 8 finalists at Art for inclusion a part of India inclusion summit gave me the confidence

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Molestiae purus facilisi nonummy soluta nisi odit, ac taciti voluptatibus, eveniet veritatis cubilia magna. Imperdiet.


Molestiae purus facilisi nonummy soluta nisi odit, ac taciti voluptatibus, eveniet veritatis cubilia magna. Imperdiet.

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